Hi! I'm CritterStew! I'm an artist with a passion for fantasy smut. Feel free to browse my profile for my socials and commission info!

Like my art? Interested in commissioning me? Good news!I'm now open for commissions!Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or any of my social medias to discuss any commission ideas.Please be sure to read the TOS before you do!

What's on the Menu

For the time being, I would prefer to work with single characters and pinup poses, although the amount of sexualization and specific preferences can be discussed separately.There are two tiers of art - flat colors with minimal to no shading, and a more shaded, rendered version.They are then divided to sections of the body -
* Bust or portrait, which includes everything above the waist. It can include an arm to gesture or interact with an object.
* Half Body, which cuts off at around the thigh or knee area, depending on the pose or composition
* Full Body, which is exactly what it says on the tin, although once again, it may be cropped to better suit the pose and composition of your choosing
Click the button below to see what it all looks like!


Please note, that all payments are final and non refundable.Once we have a dialogue going, and the commission is agreed upon, I'll begin work as soon as I am available. A rough sketch will be sent over for approval, as well as any adjustments or changes.Once approved, payment for the commission is to be made in full via Paypal's invoicing system.The final image will be delivered once the payment is successfully cleared.Once again, all payments are final and non refundable.

Do's and Don'ts

Here is a list of thing I won't do. It's not an all encompassing list, but you get the idea! If you're unsure if I'd be okay with something, I am more than happy to discuss it. It should be enough to get a general vibe!* Keep it legal, all characters must be over 18
* No IRL people or content creators
* Extreme kinks (gore, scat, ferals, etc)
* Animal genitalia - I'm happy to do furry art, but I don't want to stare at that particular anatomy for hours, so we'll have to leave it out

Flat & Shaded